----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: MD Atomic awareness

Hi all,
I appologise in advance if I have'nt got the gist of the awareness
discussion, (I can see someone yawning at the back) but, can someone explain
why prefer is preferable to awareness given that something (as far as I am
aware) has to precede prefer but not awareness.
awareness-experience-interpretation = preference/choice/value

Soap box.
It seems a lot of the unhappiness in society exists because we are not
intellectually aware of the Quality event. I'll give an example of a recent
disscussion with an accauintance. During this disscussion the subject of
being creative was mentioned and the aquaintance said, as I have heard many
times before that she was not creative. "But you cannot avoid creativity,
everytime you put two words together its a creative act". She replied that
she meant the arty *arty stuff "you know". OK not he brightest of sparks but
this is the type of reaction I'm sure others will recognise, and implies
that our culture in general has come to disregaurd the Quality events or
potential Quality events to the point that they are not aware of them any
more, or we look in the areas of biological satisfaction and social climbing
and wonder why these give no lasting joy.
My point is; to us humans, which I think we all and are not walking
dictionaries, this awareness point is very important.We're not going to sway
anyone to your points of view by using hooky sounding complex terminology.
If we accept Quality as *the* reality, then it is unavoidable, but it is
quite clear many of us cannot accept this because we are filtering out the
awareness of it.
Subject object culture has come to a mental abyss in the intellectual
moutain climb. We need to back track to find another path. We are lucky in
that someone nearly lost their marbles getting there, brought back a picture
of the top and was intelligent enough to even create a guide.
Following this guide does not mean that the abyss does not exist in our
mind, but I for one do not intend to stand there watching others still
trying to plumb the depths by splitting the rope up, while it creates an
amusing game of wordy chess which I admit to us is a bit unaviodable at
times, it really is keeping others from joining in.
That would be something to be ashamed of.

End of soap box. End of subcription?

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