To: Platt
From: Roger

I was concerned with your accusation that I was sidestepping the issue, so I 
scrolled through the beginning of the thread.   I am sorry, but you are 
probably correct.  I never addressed your initial questions.  Let me do so 

Perhaps you're right. I take it you disagree with physicist Freeman 
Dyson that "Mind, as manifest by the capacity to make choices, is to 
some extent inherent in every atom" and that you disagree with Pirsig 
who wrote, "But in modern quantum physics all that is changed. 
Particles "prefer" to do what they do."

No, I don't happen to subscribe to Mr. Dyson's "personal theology."   Do you? 
 And again, nothing I have said disagrees with Pirsig, does it? (by the way, 
my personal beliefs (and Pirsig's) are every bit as much in agreement with 
quantum physics as Mr Dyson's.

My guess is that such sentences are too metaphorically strong for your 
liking and thus present a false picture. Instead of "awareness" would 
you accept Whitehead's much less provocative word "prehension" to 
describe a particle's response to an observation or an atom's 
sensitivity to its environment? 

Sure.  No problem.

It seems to me that some form of awareness at the inorganic level, no 
matter how dim, (and no matter how described) is required if the MOQ 
theory of value-centered evoution driven by Dynamic forces is to hold 
up. You cannot strive for something better without at least "sensing" in 
some fashion or other a more desirable state to aspire to. 

I agree with something that I think Jonathan wrote.  He mentioned that it is 
probably more correct to say that a subatomic particle is a set of value 
patterns than to say that it has a set of values.  I think you and Freeman 
are trying to create subjective objects.

I'd be interested to know at what point in the hierarchy of evolution you 
consider that "awareness," "choice," and "sense" become 
meaningless, and how you think those qualities can originate from 
elements that lack them if indeed that is your belief. 

'Awareness' I see as applying to living things.  Webster's concurs.  Pirsig 
writes that only living things can perceive or adjust to dynamic quality, so 
i assume I have no disagreement here with him either. The Webster's 
definition of 'choice' includes preference, so I guess I can live with that 
word applied to subatomic processes, though again I think it would be better 
to say they ARE subatomic value patterns or choices than to say they HAVE 
values or choices. As for 'sense,' I think that this can be used 
metaphorically, but only at the risk that people will misinterpret it to mean 
that electrons are discrete, living entities.  To stay clean, I would stick 
with 'values' or 'value patterns' and I would avoid any of the above three 
terms.  (I would also avoid the term "morals" absent about a 468 page 
treatise explaining how it means something WAY beyond conventional usage.)

As for how these qualities mysteriously emerge out of elements that lack 
them, I refer you to Lila or to any of a couple of dozen good books on 
complexity.  Simpler, less complex and versatile values can combine together 
and interact to form substantially more dynamic and versatile values with 
degrees of freedom that do not exist in the underlying levels. Awareness is a 
sophisticated version of value inherent in living things.     

One final question. Do I detect a weakening of your confidence in the 
MOQ over the years? 

I now see some minor shortcomings.  His levels of values and the potential 
conflicts that can arise between them were extremely insightful concepts for 
me.  However, it has become clear that he grossly oversimplified some issues 
here, and this led to some incorrect conclusions in both his model and his 
rational morality.  (and yes, I do have suggestions on how they can both be 
improved)  I mentioned some of my minor disagreements in our recent 
discussion of fundamental MOQ tenets. Note that one of my running concerns 
has been his sloppiness in getting terms like 'morality', redefining them and 
then applying them 'backward' to subatomic values. Now you and Jonathan and 
Marco are doing the same thing with "awareness."   Heck, if Pirsig does it, 
why shouldn't you?  Because it is of LOW QUALITY that's why!

Sorry again for not addressing you directly earlier,


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