
Can you give us a reference in ZAMM or Lila where Pirsig says all this? 
Or is this your personal interpretation? If you're going to claim that such 
and such is "the MOQ's position," you better be able to back it up with 
the author's words.
> the moq's position on warfare also holds that the war must be a high quality 
> war, namely that the conditions must be right for a dynamic shift, and that 
> the people fighting the war themselves understand the purpose of it and the 
> intellectual concept they are fighting for (revolutionary war- independence, 
> civil war- unity).  one war that doesnt fit this criteria is the vietnam war. 
>  the idea was to prevent the perceived spread of communism, which many 
> americans felt no strong feelings towards.  anyway, the reason i got into 
> that is because you said, 'pirsig justifies warfare,' and i dont mean to be 
> anal about this, but he doesnt justify warfare unless there is a mass 
> migration of people and society towards dynamic quality.
> rasheed

Incidentally, your posts are hard  to read because you  omit capital 
letters. One has to work to determine where one sentence ends and 
another begins, and proper names are not easily identified. This puts 
an extra and unnecessary burden on the reader. Is there a reason for 
your writing style?



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