Wow this must be hitting a button for me.

I am of two minds. Yes, we want to address parents' needs and not  
consider them an enemy to the classroom. On the other hand, I have  
experienced a LOT of parents (not just the aforementioned Kindergarten  
ones) who simply converse with other parents in the back of the room  
when I am trying to start a new year with students. These parents were  
the first ones that popped into my head when I read the original post.  
These parents do not need to be in the classroom; they are being  
disruptive. I feel the same about administrators who come in to observe  
and have a conversation. Go somewhere else. Go outside the door. Go  
have coffee. Or else just sit on a chair and watch. But disruption is  
disruption, in my opinion.

Renee  .....  who is probably sounding crotchety but really isn't. :-)

On Aug 24, 2007, at 7:17 AM, Heather Blau wrote:

> Chris, it might be helpful to wonder why a parent might want to take
> some time in your classroom before handing off their child to an
> adult they don't yet know.  Parents are very busy people.  If they're
> lingering, there's a reason.   It's a shame that parents and teachers
> make the serious error of treating one another as if they are a
> problem, rather  than a partner.   Pushing them out the door is
> likely to have some unintended consequences down the line.
> On Aug 24, 2007, at 8:35 AM, Chris Preston wrote:
>> I'm trying to remember what book it is in that gives the rationale for
>> letting the kids organize the classroom Library and do their own
>> bulletin boards.
>> Does anyone remember?
>> Also, since I am switching from 5th down to 3rd, I'm a little worried
>> about how to get rid of the lingering parents on the first day of
>> school.
>> Any ideas?
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