
You're not sounding crotchety, just practical.  The important, and  
unanswered question is:  why are parents lingering?  If it's to  
socialize with one another, ask them to leave.  "Parents, it's story  
time...please feel free to quietly pull up a chair and join us, or if  
you prefer, step out in the hall to continue your visit."

This said, I stand by my caution.  "Getting rid of parents" is not an  
accidental phrase.  I think best remedy for Chris' "worry" and your  
frustration about lingering parents is to trust them, and speak  
honestly and openly with them.  Some might get mad or critical, but  
if you speak clearly and in the best interests of the children,  
you're on firm ground. The key is to be clear within ourselves, then  
speak openly to them, assuming their on our side from day one.   In  
my experience parents respect this kind of straight talk, so long as  
you're not laying blame on them, just enlisting their cooperation.

> Wow this must be hitting a button for me.
> I am of two minds. Yes, we want to address parents' needs and not
> consider them an enemy to the classroom. On the other hand, I have
> experienced a LOT of parents (not just the aforementioned Kindergarten
> ones) who simply converse with other parents in the back of the room
> when I am trying to start a new year with students. These parents were
> the first ones that popped into my head when I read the original post.
> These parents do not need to be in the classroom; they are being
> disruptive. I feel the same about administrators who come in to  
> observe
> and have a conversation. Go somewhere else. Go outside the door. Go
> have coffee. Or else just sit on a chair and watch. But disruption is
> disruption, in my opinion.
> Renee  .....  who is probably sounding crotchety but really isn't. :-)
> On Aug 24, 2007, at 7:17 AM, Heather Blau wrote:
>> Chris, it might be helpful to wonder why a parent might want to take
>> some time in your classroom before handing off their child to an
>> adult they don't yet know.  Parents are very busy people.  If they're
>> lingering, there's a reason.   It's a shame that parents and teachers
>> make the serious error of treating one another as if they are a
>> problem, rather  than a partner.   Pushing them out the door is
>> likely to have some unintended consequences down the line.
>> On Aug 24, 2007, at 8:35 AM, Chris Preston wrote:
>>> I'm trying to remember what book it is in that gives the  
>>> rationale for
>>> letting the kids organize the classroom Library and do their own
>>> bulletin boards.
>>> Does anyone remember?
>>> Also, since I am switching from 5th down to 3rd, I'm a little  
>>> worried
>>> about how to get rid of the lingering parents on the first day of
>>> school.
>>> Any ideas?
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