> Thanks, Bill, for your view of a middle school.  When you still functioned 
> as a middle school, how often and for how long did your teams meet?
> Are your goals for yourself or for the students?  I'm thinking "I'd like 
> to how a web site," seems more like your goal.  "More than 80% of my 
> students will read for their own pleasure," seems more like a goal for the 
> students.
> Jan

Teams met informally every day with emails and hallway comments, but 
officially once a week.  Once a team is established, everything runs 
smoothly and quickly.

Goals are for both.  I expect each to read on grade level with a mental 
speed of about 250-300 wpm and an oral speed of about half that.  I ask 
students what they want help with regards to improving their reading and 
base student goals on that so each student has their own goals.  My goal 
overall is to help them to think for themselves, read better, and to rethink 
everything they've learned.  I want them to learn to ask questions, 
regardless of whether they get an answer or even if they get more than one 
answer.  In short, I want them to be better human beings.  There's a quote I 
keep over my bulletin board that says "The secret to enjoying life is to 
have an interest in it." and another by the door that says, "Education is 
about making a life, not making a living."  Both remind me of my foremost 
goals for my kids...


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