I think you and I may have gone around on this before but let me  be devil's 
advocate here...we are teaching reading, are we not? We are not  teaching a 
book or a story. And, in my mind, reading is procedural knowledge...a  process, 
not an end product. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't  matter if a kid 
understands  a particular book. ( I will leave that  to the secondary English 
teachers.) I don't care if at age 40 the  child can remember all the details 
of a particular story he read in second  grade. What I want him to have is a 
set of strategies he can use when he is not  understanding something. Reading 
is a tool used to gain understanding about text  and through that text, the 
world. If we don't assess whether or not a child can  visualize, how will we 
whether or not he will have that tool when he needs  it?
Having said this, I understand we can go around the bend too far with  
strategies. Comprehension is the end point...I understand  that, but I worry if 
don't look at how the kid got there we are  missing something. If a child never 
needs to stretch and use a strategy now and  then, perhaps we aren't 
providing them with enough challenge. 
I have come to the point where I look at both things in my class. Does the  
child understand what he just read? AND Does he know what to do when he finds  
something he doesn't understand and can he apply the strategy effectively? 
Just my humble opinion...
In a message dated 10/13/2007 12:17:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Um.....  in my mind, we don't assess strategies  
themselves. We assess  comprehension and the use of strategies are part  
of that. If a  student is comprehending well, I don't worry whether or  
not they are  using every strategy. One student may use more  
visualization,  another student may use no visualization, focusing more  
on the  verbal aspect.

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