Hi Carol, I picked the book up and couldn't put it down...Check out the Mosaic Archives for a discussion on this book a couple of weeks ago...I think this is such an important conversation...reading educators need to fight against the abduction of our practices and pedagogy by CEOs who view students and a passing test scores as products of schooling ....we should be teaching children to be...I paraphrase Deborah Meiers..."a well-educated person has a mindfulness and thoughtfulness about the world around him/her. They know how to read the world. And an enormous number of our children are not being educated to have that view of themselves." Just decoding and answering multiple choice questions about a paragraph in a standardized test is not reading and comprehension! Check it out....

Check out this videoclip ...Thu, Jun 25, 2009 -- RED6656002_2009R_53830: Deborah Meier on Obama Education Policy



-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Lau <c...@ca.rr.com>
To: 'Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group' <mosaic@literacyworkshop.org>
Sent: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 10:59 pm
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Learning Denied

I just read Learning Denied (1991) by Denny Taylor. Taylor, an
educator/researcher, documents a family's struggles with a school district. While this is not a recent publication, I think in some ways, things have
gotten worse.  I am a second grade teacher and I see the weight put on
standardized test scores, focusing on what a child/teacher/school cannot do instead of what he/they can do. With the new emphasis on systematic phonics and the reduction of learning to a list of subskills, everyone--teachers,
students, schools, districts--get measured and compared by arbitrary
markers.  Real estate values are based on school test scores and
student/teacher/school success is seen through a narrow lens. I couldn't help but rant a bit after reading this book tonight. Educators are caught
in the legalistic web right along with families. Anyone else read this?

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