I use a spelling list that has 15 words in order from easy to
difficult. Students take a pretest on Friday of the first 10 words. If they
pass a word, they don't have it. This sound difficult but I use a sheet with
all the words listed in the left column. The center column has 10 blank
lines and the right column has all 15 lines.  This sheet is placed in a file
folder with the top lid cut into 3 leaves.  For the pretest, they have the
center flap up with the other two papercliped down.  I give the first 10
words only. The last 5 are called enrichment words.  When I correct it, I
use a highlighter to highlight the words in the first column I want them to
learn and the numbers of the same words in the third column.  I cut off the
first column and give it to them to learn.  This way I can give different
students different words and number of words.  I have many ELL students plus
high students. This seems to do the best job of meeting their needs.  On
Friday, I give the entire list but students know that they are only
responsible for the ones that are highlighted.  I teach third grade and they
seem to be able to understand this method.

Terry Tabat
Lexington, NC

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 7:21 PM, Amy Tisinger <amylyn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am in my 7th year of teaching, and am trying to start up an
> individualized
> spelling program for my 2nd graders, starting with the 2nd semester next
> week. I've done some research, but am interested in some practical thought
> and advice based on experience! Also, I would be interested in any theories
> or ideas behind giving spelling tests. I ditched them a few years ago
> because I found my 1st graders were either struggling through the entire
> thing (becoming frustrated, and not learning anything in the process), or
> were acing every test because they already knew the words or were
> memorizing
> them and not transferring to writing. I've also recognized this could have
> been due to my poor implementation; I am a writer's workshop teacher
> through
> and through, and wasn't devoting a lot of time to it.
> So, please offer up your thoughts and advice!
> Thank you,
> Amy Tisinger
> 2nd Grade Teacher
> Rainbow Bridge International School
> Shanghai, China
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