One thing that improved my completion rate was explaining to students AND parents that I understood that some nights were busier than others. I gave four- 20 minute blocks for the week. I didn't care if it was all done on Saturday morning, or 2 one night and 2 on a non-soccer night. as long as all four were done on Friday. I also tried to make it very clear that things occur in life for everyone, emergencies arise and it is easier to work at a constant pace. I understood soccer, and dental appointments and pop-in visitors and car break downs. Planning out your weekly schedule is a life long skill. I know I have plans and grading and housework and laundry. Sometimes I need to catch up, sometimes I need to do extra before the week because I knew I would be busy BUT the best and easiest way was to do a portion every night. I'd say most students did one a night, but those who couldn't, for whatever reason, didn't feel the all-or-none attitude and give up for the week. Rarely did I get a blank in the log, because they could make it up before Friday.


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