So... Isn't it great we can educate folks here on the list! That's what we are 
here for, right? To learn and share with others? We have a wide audience for 
our discussion. 

I am proud of this list... Proud to be a part of a professional development 
vehicle for many. 

Thanks to all who have taken part in this discussion! :-)


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On Oct 10, 2011, at 8:30 PM, "Renee" <> wrote:

> I absolutely agree! I am concerned that it seems that newer/younger teachers 
> are less and less able to rely on their own observations, and that it seems 
> the norm to instantly look for a program of some kind, rather than cultivate 
> the knowledge and observational skills necessary for good kid-watching. And 
> once again, this is not a criticism of newer/younger teachers... it is a 
> criticism of the system and their trainers.
> Renee
> On Oct 10, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Sally Thomas wrote:
>> Eloquently said!!!
>> Sally
>> On 10/10/11 1:28 PM, "Palmer, Jennifer" <> wrote:
>>> I highly value teacher observation, especially, Renee, the one-on-one type
>>> that you describe. And certainly screening assessments have been misused in
>>> too many schools to count. In addition there are a lot of assessments that 
>>> are
>>> just terrible, especially when used to guide teaching. (Like "speeded" tests
>>> for example.) And, finally, many schools are not assessment literate and try
>>> to use summative assessments meant for program evaluation to guide
>>> instruction. This misuse of assessment has made many teachers gun-shy of all
>>> assessments because they see the damage that the misuse causes.
>>> Assessment has been a major focus of my own professional reading for the 
>>> past
>>> few years and what I have come to understand is that if it is done well, it 
>>> is
>>> a tool that makes our work as teachers much easier. Misused, it is probably
>>> better to not use them at all given the damage that can occur. I have seen
>>> teachers teach nonsense words so that their kids could pass DIBELS. That is 
>>> a
>>> grave misuse which sends the wrong signal about what reading really is!! 
>>> BUT,
>>> I have also personally seen screening tools draw attention to kids that were
>>> missed by teachers in previous years who did not use the screening tools. It
>>> requires a thorough understanding of what the screening assessment can and
>>> cannot do... and above all it requires assessment literacy. Professional
>>> development is so crucial at ALL LEVELS...(especially administration!!) so
>>> that the tools are understood and not misused.
>>> Now about teacher observation... Speaking only for myself here, I found,
>>> however, that even my own experienced observations were contextual and very
>>> situational. Some decent assessments given to those kids in trouble really
>>> helped me gain insights into why I was observing what I was  observing. The
>>> more experience I have gained, the more I have learned to verify my
>>> observations and not draw conclusions too hastily.  Just another point of
>>> view...I guess I believe there is an art and a science to teaching. The art
>>> just might be in the decisions not only about instruction, but about 
>>> gathering
>>> information to inform instruction. Teachers and schools are as individual as
>>> students.
>>> Jennifer L. Palmer
>>> Instructional Facilitator, National Board Certified Teacher (EC Gen)
> "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."
> Joseph Chilton Pearce
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