I'm not sure why I'm posting this, other than I'm searching for some  
company in my despair.  Or possibly you can lead me to some ways to deal  with 
this situation.
Today, as we were closing up school for the year, we were discussing next  
year's kids and administration wanted to know "how we were going to group  
them."  (That in and of itself always bothers me). However  the statement 
that truly sent me spinning, was in regard to giving the  students individual 
reading time within class.  My administrator flat out  told me (and my team), 
" We do not give the students time to read in  class.  You must be working 
with the students in small groups and they  should be engaged in 'targeted 
skills" not reading."  Of course my response  was, "How do we expect our 
students to become better readers if we don't  give them time to read (of 
teaching them "how" to read)?"  She  simply said, "They have to do that at 
home."  Close of discussion.  
No one else on my "team" said anything...they just agreed with her.
My heart sank.  I am so disappointed in the direction our  education system 
is taking us in my state and county.  It's all about the  pass rate on the 
test and looking at data.  My students are so much more  than data!
Ugh!  I'm sure you can all relate and have stories very similar  to mine.  
I'm just disheartened. :-( 
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