Since I have run into so many Dickcissel quite casually the past few weeks 
across Carver County, I decided to do a more thorough count of Dickcissel this 
morning.  I found 1 copulating pair and 58 territories totaling 62 Dickcissel.  
The majority of these were singing males, so the number can likely be doubled.  
I covered mainly only central areas of the county from Chaska northwest to the 
south fork of the Crow River near Mayer south to Assumption and east to Rapids 
Lake MVNWR.  Other highlights this morning included an early morning Common 
Nighthawk hunting before sunrise, a Cliff Swallow colony with 37 occupied 
nests, a couple Blue-winged Warbler, 2 flight capable recently fledged Lark 
Sparrow being fed by a parent, 5 Henslow's Sparrow, and a pair of Orchard 
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