Shorebird variety continued to be pretty much the same as it has been.  
Habitat, though, is drying fast.   Without significant rain I may be out of 
luck by early next week.  Any other typical shorebird habitat in Carver County 
has too much water.

July 8

Spotted Sandpiper 2
Solitary Sandpiper 17
Greater Yellowlegs 2
Lesser Yellowlegs 5
Least Sandpiper 199
Pectoral Sandpiper 4
Short-billed Dowitcher 4

July 9

Spotted Sandpiper 1

Solitary Sandpiper 9

Greater Yellowlegs 5

Lesser Yellowlegs 11

Least Sandpiper 326 (first juvenile of fall)

Pectoral Sandpiper 4
Stilt Sandpiper 1

Short-billed Dowitcher 2

July 10

Solitary Sandpiper 8

Greater Yellowlegs 3

Lesser Yellowlegs 27

Least Sandpiper 251 (flock of ~150 departed a flooded field a bit past 6 this 
morning heading south)

Pectoral Sandpiper 4

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