David Tenser wrote:
> I'm starting to understand that more and more. But why is that really? 
> How come several developers and hundreds of fellow coders out there on a 
> massive open source project can't outsmart simple programs like Outlook 
> Express when it comes to functionality?

Two reasons:
1.  Nobody at the wheel; no project management whatsoever.
2.  AOL.

> Of course, one reason could be that the main focus is the browser 
> itself, not the side programs.

That's also part of it, but a) the browser still is no great shakes, and 
b) like you say...

 > But still, so many people have been
> working with this project for so long. It really should be much more 
> feature complete than it is.

...exactly.  This isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery.  There's 
simply no excuse (though you'll hear no end of them) for Mozilla to be 
so far behind the competition and in fact *its own previous incarnation* 
(NC4.7x).  *Especially* the email/newsreader.

> I'm starting to sound like I don't like Mozilla, but that's not true. I 
> love to be able to use an alternative to Microsofts products that really 
> works! I just wish I could get rid of IE/OE completely.

Amen.  Mozilla clearly will never be the replacement, but amen.

> / David
> JTK wrote:
>> David Tenser wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> I'm posting this just to verify that you really cannot do this in
>>> Mozilla, so I'm not missing something obvious in the settings dialogs.
>>> Where should I request such a feature, if it's really not in there 
>>> already?
>> No, you're absolutely right, compared to Outlook (and from what you say
>> Outlook Express as well), Mozilla's filtering is pathetic.
>> Which is incredibly sad because OUTLOOK'S filtering is pathetic!
>> Regardless, before you switch, consider carefully the fact that
>> Mozilla's most ardent supporters use anything other than Mozilla for
>> email and news.

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