JTK wrote:

 > ...exactly.  This isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery.

Are you implying rocket science is more complicated than brain surgery?
Anyone who think or believe the cliche about rocket science is in
desperate need for a brain surgeon.

 > There's simply no excuse (though you'll hear no end of them) for
 > Mozilla to be so far behind the competition

Far behind in what regard? Security? HTML/DOM compliance? Features?
Speed? (hint: hint: > time to get rid of the old Pentium 66/16 meg) ;-)

  and in fact *its own previous incarnation*
 > (NC4.7x).

You have a good sense of humor. What a good joke!

  *Especially* the email/newsreader.

Now now. You are making progress. So now the issue is not the browser
but the newsreader/email. Sometime ago you said Mail?news was a waste of

 > Amen.  Mozilla clearly will never be the replacement, but amen.

"The" replacement for what? Coffee-maker, sex on the beach, a husband(or
wife)? For IE? I can give you a "few" reasons for replaicing the super
fast, perfect rendering, "crash free", very secure IE.  Just follow this

Compuserve (part of AOL Politburo) is testing gecko as part of their new
access software (over 2 million members). AOL is testing gecko on other 
devices and its a matter of "capitalist time" when they will dumped IE 
from their AOL service. Nokia and Sony (Playstation) have made 
announcements too.

Did your company fix their medical devices? Did you complain to them?

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