On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Robert Hegemann wrote:

> Greg Maxwell schrieb am Die, 01 Feb 2000:
> > On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Jeremy Hall wrote:
> > 
> > > but then you're in conflict with VBR.
> > 
> > VBR should be changed. It makes more sence for big numbers to denote
> > bigger bitrate in VBR.
> Well, in my opinion -V reflects the following behaviour:
> -V0:  allow low amount of noise 
>  :
> -V4:  allow mid amount of noise
>  :
> -V9:  allow large amount of noise
> That's it what VBR does, allocate as much noise
> as allowed to achieve the smallest possible bitrate. 
> So I would not change the -V settings.

Then change it's name to VNR. (n = noise)


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