> We orignally used V to set the number of bands allowed to be 'over'.
> When
> we changed that, we should have V.

Why? Only to confuse users?
And the idea of V hasn't changed.

btw, what about a "-h x" setting with x in R?
x = -inf : nothing but speed counts
x = 0    : best quality we can do now
x = 0.01 : enables real filters (not yet)
x = +inf : reserved for future tid bits

Then we would have room for thousands of new features!

Enough of that fun.

I don't think that there will be so many new features we
could add to LAME. And if there will be such a wonderful
new thing, it will fit into one of our 0..9 scala.
If, for one reason, it could not be used together with other
settings, then there is the possibility to 
add an own switch for that.

And, if people have the choice to select out of the range 0..100,
most will say: "mmh, I don't know what to choose, maybe 100 will 
be good, or 30. Ok I take something inbetween. Yes 60."


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