> Exactly! That's the first really sensible thing I've heard on this subject.
> If quality improves dramaticly, it should not be activated with a -quality 10
> or actually, a -quality 0, but the better quality should be provided using
> the same 'use best quality' setting from previous versions, namely -quality 1
> or -quality 9, whatever is decided, even if this makes lame run a little slower.
I agree
i dont think it could be so clever to switch the scale
i use the DLL with ExactAudioCopy (www.exactaudiocopy.de)
i cant think eac-coder can distribute a newer beta version everytime someone
change the settings.......(btw i still use CBR @160 hq)

oh one stupid suggestion for the stand alone executable : it could be a good idea to 
"| more" or "/page" or "> file.asc" to see the command help, now it "goes away" 
without seein
the beginning of it

Best regards,

      Cavallo de Cavallis  
=   http://www.s0ftpj.org     =
=  Digital Security for y2k   =

"Knowledge chases me, but i'm faster"
"La Sapienza mi insegue, ma io sono piu' veloce"
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