
> > The AAC standard has been set since 1997.
> > Who informed you?
> Anandtech, when they reviewed the new iPod: 
> http://www.anandtech.com/audio/showdoc.html?i=1827&p=14
> "All music downloaded from the iTunes Music Store is encoded 
> in Apple's own AAC format, which is a MPEG-4 derived standard ..."
> May be incorrect, but like I said, "as I'm informed..."

Yeah it is incorrect :)

> And, as we all know, standards are often set long before 
> implementations are made, and implementations are usually 
> taken into use before they're 100% compliant or have 
> variations that differ from the specs (did anyone say 
> Microsoft MPEG-4 V1/2/3? Or MPEG-2 AAC vs. MPEG-4 AAC?).

MPEG-2 AAC vs. MPEG-4 AAC? What's uncompliant about that. Both are different
specifications so they can differ (they don't except for a bit set to 1 in
the ADTS header). And MPEG-4 AAC introduced 2 new coding tools not available
in MPEG-2 AAC.

> Well, I remember trying Psytel and FAAC, and they didn't play 
> back. Come to think of it, I did get Nero's AAC ripper to 

That's probably because the AAC tracks in the MP4 files are signalled as
MPEG-2 AAC, which are not played back by QuickTime (don't know about Media
Center). That's a problem in QuickTime, not in the encoder (yes, decoders
can be uncompliant as well :) ).

> > Peelable? That doesn't work yet, IIRC. AAC can be scalable as well.
> Well, that's what they call it, since the "scalable" term is 
> used by others, such as realnetworks, to describe inferior 
> technologies that switch between preset bitrates. I didn't 
> know AAC could do that. Good to know. About not working, it's 
> a question of the current development in streaming software, 
> not the OGG files.

Yes, what I mean is: Is it already implemented in Vorbis? Not that I know.
(please correct me if I'm wrong).

> > The MPEG-4 file format supports multiple tracks as well. 
> Next to that 
> > AAC has proper multichannel support.
> What about OGG Vorbis' multichannel support is improper?

Well, here's something I heard (and did not look into for myself), but I
heard that Vorbis has to go through some difficulties because of patents on
this side (something with Ambisonics or something). This is what I heard
from some knowledgable Vorbis people :)


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