Thanks to Jason's recommendation, I was finally able to get a 64bit
Linux distro working on my Core2 machine so I have now been able to
benchmark MPIR in Linux and Vista 64bit on the same machine.

I have attached the miprbench and speed test results for both
operating systems.  There is definitely a difference between the two.
Vista 64bit = MPIRbench result: 11985.85
Linus 64bit = MPIRbench result: 13172

Some of the speed timings are quite different, but the
mpn_mul_basecase more more similar than the rest.

Processor info:

processor       : 0
vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
cpu family      : 6
model           : 23
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad  CPU   Q9550  @ 2.83GHz
stepping        : 7
cpu MHz         : 3399.860
cache size      : 6144 KB
physical id     : 0
siblings        : 4
core id         : 0
cpu cores       : 4
apicid          : 0
initial apicid  : 0
fpu             : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level     : 10
wp              : yes
flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx
lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl pni monitor ds_cpl
vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 lahf_lm
bogomips        : 6799.72
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

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Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 3.40GHz (Linux 64bit)
45nm, 6MB L2 cache, 1600 MHz FSB

***** GMPbench version 0.2 *****
Using compilation command: gcc  foo.c -o foo ../trunk/lib/libgmp.a 
Compiling benchmarks
Running benchmarks
  Category base
    Program multiply
      multiply 128 128
      GMPbench.base.multiply.128,128 result: 47808143
      multiply 512 512
      GMPbench.base.multiply.512,512 result: 8894680
      multiply 8192 8192
      GMPbench.base.multiply.8192,8192 result: 82249
      multiply 131072 131072
      GMPbench.base.multiply.131072,131072 result: 1187
      multiply 2097152 2097152
      GMPbench.base.multiply.2097152,2097152 result: 46.0
    GMPbench.base.multiply result: 71812
    Program divide
      divide 8192 32
      GMPbench.base.divide.8192,32 result: 769433
      divide 8192 64
      GMPbench.base.divide.8192,64 result: 791807
      divide 8192 128
      GMPbench.base.divide.8192,128 result: 430469
      divide 8192 4096
      GMPbench.base.divide.8192,4096 result: 139643
      divide 8192 8064
      GMPbench.base.divide.8192,8064 result: 1784798
      divide 131072 8192
      GMPbench.base.divide.131072,8192 result: 2910
      divide 131072 65536
      GMPbench.base.divide.131072,65536 result: 1545
      divide 8388608 4194304
      GMPbench.base.divide.8388608,4194304 result: 4.19
    GMPbench.base.divide result: 32456
  GMPbench.base result: 48278
  Category app
    Program rsa
      rsa 512 result: 19298
      rsa 1024 result: 3976
      rsa 2048 result: 605 result: 3593.9 result: 3593.9
GMPbench result: 13172
Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 3.40GHz (Vista 64bit)
45nm, 6MB L2 cache, 1600 MHz FSB

Running benchmarks
  Category base
    Program multiply
      multiply 128 128
      MPIRbench.base.multiply.128.128 result: 45564012
      multiply 512 512
      MPIRbench.base.multiply.512.512 result: 8678936
      multiply 8192 8192
      MPIRbench.base.multiply.8192.8192 result: 73722
      multiply 131072 131072
      MPIRbench.base.multiply.131072.131072 result: 1080
      multiply 2097152 2097152
      MPIRbench.base.multiply.2097152.2097152 result: 39.2
    MPIRbench.base.multiply result: 65808.06
    Program divide
      divide 8192 32
      MPIRbench.base.divide.8192.32 result: 646580
      divide 8192 64
      MPIRbench.base.divide.8192.64 result: 664211
      divide 8192 128
      MPIRbench.base.divide.8192.128 result: 364556
      divide 8192 4096
      MPIRbench.base.divide.8192.4096 result: 126581
      divide 8192 8064
      MPIRbench.base.divide.8192.8064 result: 1159255
      divide 131072 8192
      MPIRbench.base.divide.131072.8192 result: 2667
      divide 131072 65536
      MPIRbench.base.divide.131072.65536 result: 1402
      divide 8388608 4194304
      MPIRbench.base.divide.8388608.4194304 result: 3.76
    MPIRbench.base.divide result: 27456.80
  MPIRbench.base result 42507.39
  Category app
    Program rsa
      rsa 512 result: 17178
      rsa 1024 result: 3796
      rsa 2048 result: 592 result: 3379.66 result 3379.66
MPIRbench result: 11985.85
Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 3.40GHz (Linux 64bit)
45nm, 6MB L2 cache, 1600 MHz FSB

overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1               17.00
2               20.00
3               23.01
4               28.71
5               49.01
6               63.01
7               67.02
8               71.02
9               40.14
10              41.39
11              47.88
12              46.01
13              45.01
14              49.01
15              52.26
16              55.51
17              54.90
18              60.51
19              83.01
20              66.46
21              63.01
22              70.72
23              77.12
24              75.92
25              82.24
26              81.55
27              82.52
28              88.02
29             109.95
30              91.50
31              94.85
32             102.25
33             119.43
34             100.40
35             102.02
36             107.21
37             106.18
38             115.43
39             113.72
40             117.77
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1               11.85
2               17.85
3               24.87
4               30.96
5               36.40
6               43.25
7               49.28
8               54.65
9               61.09
10              89.02
11              74.32
12              85.11
13              85.27
14              75.02
15              83.35
16              86.39
17              91.79
18              95.58
19             101.02
20             105.13
21             111.02
22             115.37
23             119.65
24             120.04
25             126.03
26             134.09
27             138.00
28             138.84
29             145.03
30             151.45
31             155.40
32             160.24
33             166.78
34             166.04
35             174.47
36             180.00
37             186.03
38             186.04
39             209.05
40             199.28
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1                9.00
2               14.00
3               15.41
4               20.29
5               24.01
6               28.35
7               31.32
8               34.96
9               39.39
10              43.01
11              47.57
12              51.01
13              57.01
14              60.41
15              63.92
16              67.02
17              71.15
18              76.45
19              80.27
20              82.36
21              86.77
22              92.86
23              95.89
24              99.53
25             102.57
26             108.36
27             112.02
28             116.82
29             119.49
30             124.28
31             128.07
32             132.53
33             135.68
34             140.80
35             163.03
36             148.33
37             169.03
38             156.04
39             161.33
40             164.04
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1                8.00
2               10.00
3               17.15
4               19.00
5               20.00
6               24.01
7               26.01
8               26.51
9               28.72
10              32.63
11              34.51
12              35.01
13              37.13
14              40.51
15              43.01
16              43.79
17              45.01
18              48.01
19              52.81
20              52.01
21              54.01
22              56.58
23              58.81
24              60.01
25              61.81
26              65.01
27              67.51
28              67.51
29              70.22
30              72.02
31              75.02
32              75.02
33              77.02
34              81.02
35              82.52
36              84.02
37              88.52
38              88.52
39              90.02
40              91.69
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1                7.00
2                9.00
3               19.00
4               19.00
5               21.00
6               20.00
7               24.34
8               25.51
9               27.55
10              28.01
11              31.01
12              32.19
13              35.01
14              36.01
15              39.24
16              39.51
17              44.01
18              44.01
19              48.01
20              47.46
21              52.51
22              51.68
23              55.51
24              56.26
25              59.01
26              59.83
27              62.76
28              64.01
29              66.77
30              67.51
31              70.73
32              72.56
33              75.02
34              76.52
35              78.77
36              79.52
37              83.27
38             101.02
39              86.64
40              88.02
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1                8.00
2               10.00
3               17.00
4               19.00
5               20.34
6               24.01
7               26.85
8               26.34
9               28.01
10              33.01
11              36.01
12              35.01
13              37.81
14              40.51
15              43.81
16              44.01
17              45.01
18              48.01
19              51.87
20              52.01
21              52.51
22              56.26
23              60.01
24              58.51
25              60.01
26              66.01
27              70.52
28              68.01
29              69.01
30              73.52
31              76.52
32              76.02
33              77.42
34              81.02
35              87.02
36              83.42
37              87.02
38              88.73
39              91.22
40              92.02
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1                8.00
2               10.00
3               20.00
4               20.00
5               21.00
6               21.00
7               24.01
8               25.01
9               27.01
10              28.13
11              31.29
12              32.01
13              34.51
14              35.74
15              38.34
16              39.01
17              43.21
18              43.51
19              47.01
20              48.01
21              51.01
22              51.01
23              54.61
24              56.01
25              58.89
26              59.58
27              63.01
28              64.21
29              66.51
30              67.51
31              70.22
32              71.02
33              75.02
34              75.02
35              78.02
36              79.93
37              82.52
38             106.02
39             106.02
40             107.02
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1                9.00
2               20.97
3               56.39
4               89.59
5              131.03
6              190.58
7              257.30
8              329.49
9              414.08
10             520.59
11             620.45
12             723.87
13             853.75
14            1003.22
15            1147.45
16            1302.91
17            1468.84
18            1669.52
19            1840.53
20            2043.41
21            2241.02
22            2496.76
23            2714.54
24            2943.93
25            3153.99
26            3487.28
27            3727.11
28            4029.68
29            4294.23
30            4637.75
31            4915.58
32            5239.50
33            5546.41
34            5963.45
35            6287.77
36            6629.95
37            7432.79
38            7458.75
39            7819.55
40            8638.99
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 2.94e-10 secs, CPU freq 
3399.86 MHz
1                7.00
2               18.00
3               45.01
4               86.52
5              121.02
6              149.53
7              190.45
8              236.06
9              286.06
10             357.07
11             405.13
12             468.38
13             537.39
14             609.66
15             693.73
16             777.75
17             874.41
18             973.44
19            1057.24
20            1176.19
21            1282.25
22            1410.35
23            1522.39
24            1660.33
25            1787.34
26            1917.92
27            2088.48
28            2274.43
29            2436.51
30            2602.63
31            2821.59
32            2986.68
33            3198.74
34            3434.74
35            3636.76
36            3873.79
37            4100.89
38            4313.02
39            4484.92
40            4693.11
Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 3.40GHz (Vista 64bit)
45nm, 6MB L2 cache, 1600 MHz FSB

overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1               22.00
2               35.00
3               47.00
4               29.00
5               42.00
6               54.00
7               67.00
8               48.00
9               61.00
10              73.00
11              86.00
12              64.00
13              79.00
14              90.00
15             103.01
16              84.00
17              97.01
18             109.01
19             122.01
20             100.01
21             115.01
22             126.01
23             139.01
24             120.01
25             133.01
26             145.01
27             158.01
28             136.01
29             151.01
30             162.01
31             175.01
32             156.01
33             169.01
34             181.01
35             194.01
36             172.01
37             187.01
38             198.01
39             211.01
40             192.02
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                8.08
2               19.43
3               24.32
4               29.50
5               33.17
6               39.93
7               45.00
8               49.50
9               53.99
10              60.13
11              64.78
12              69.91
13              73.55
14              81.16
15              85.54
16              90.36
17              94.65
18             100.53
19             106.60
20             111.54
21             115.54
22             121.54
23             126.32
24             130.58
25             136.01
26             142.97
27             148.67
28             152.74
29             157.09
30             162.65
31             168.76
32             173.06
33             176.23
34             185.79
35             190.00
36             194.13
37             198.44
38             205.99
39             209.95
40             212.82
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1               14.00
2               16.89
3               20.83
4               24.55
5               29.42
6               33.63
7               37.01
8               42.16
9               45.01
10              50.21
11              53.72
12              59.25
13              63.17
14              65.59
15              70.67
16              74.01
17              79.36
18              82.34
19              85.97
20              91.00
21              95.02
22              98.80
23             102.99
24             106.58
25             108.01
26             115.10
27             118.34
28             123.01
29             125.67
30             130.01
31             133.94
32             137.74
33             144.06
34             145.02
35             150.26
36             155.01
37             159.20
38             163.00
39             166.79
40             187.01
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                8.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               20.91
6               27.00
7               30.60
8               29.00
9               33.00
10              36.00
11              38.25
12              37.72
13              40.50
14              43.00
15              46.00
16              45.86
17              51.05
18              52.50
19              55.00
20              54.00
21              57.00
22              60.00
23              63.67
24              61.50
25              65.00
26              67.50
27              72.00
28              69.00
29              73.67
30              78.00
31              81.00
32              78.00
33              81.54
34              84.01
35              87.85
36              86.00
37              89.01
38              91.50
39              96.00
40              94.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                7.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               21.75
6               21.50
7               25.00
8               26.00
9               28.50
10              28.50
11              33.00
12              34.00
13              35.40
14              37.39
15              39.75
16              41.00
17              44.07
18              46.00
19              48.66
20              49.50
21              51.00
22              53.31
23              58.20
24              57.00
25              59.50
26              61.17
27              63.93
28              65.58
29              67.80
30              69.36
31              73.29
32              73.85
33              75.00
34              76.68
35              80.01
36              82.00
37              83.58
38              86.00
39              88.50
40              90.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                8.00
2               10.00
3               19.00
4               19.00
5               20.84
6               27.00
7               30.00
8               29.00
9               33.50
10              36.37
11              39.00
12              37.50
13              40.50
14              44.15
15              46.74
16              45.75
17              49.16
18              51.00
19              55.50
20              54.00
21              57.00
22              60.00
23              63.00
24              62.01
25              65.95
26              68.88
27              71.00
28              69.91
29              73.38
30              76.32
31              79.73
32              78.00
33              81.67
34              84.50
35              87.02
36              87.01
37              89.54
38              91.50
39              95.25
40              94.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                7.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               22.00
6               21.00
7               25.00
8               26.00
9               28.80
10              29.76
11              33.00
12              33.00
13              36.00
14              39.00
15              40.20
16              41.00
17              44.14
18              45.00
19              48.00
20              49.00
21              52.17
22              53.02
23              56.40
24              57.00
25              59.00
26              61.20
27              63.00
28              64.50
29              68.01
30              68.58
31              72.01
32              72.00
33              75.88
34              77.62
35              79.38
36              81.21
37              84.05
38              85.16
39              88.29
40              90.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                9.00
2               23.00
3               63.04
4               98.90
5              138.68
6              203.29
7              264.05
8              334.53
9              420.38
10             530.03
11             641.34
12             743.54
13             867.09
14            1021.06
15            1170.49
16            1318.00
17            1485.17
18            1677.68
19            1871.56
20            2048.93
21            2265.54
22            2507.19
23            2736.33
24            2959.41
25            3193.94
26            3484.45
27            3766.78
28            4013.06
29            4348.20
30            4645.27
31            4976.20
32            5272.45
33            5582.89
34            5954.22
35            6299.83
36            6666.47
37            7039.50
38            7489.27
39            7905.92
40            8251.80
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                7.00
2               18.50
3               50.28
4               87.98
5              118.51
6              155.89
7              197.70
8              246.34
9              294.53
10             351.82
11             419.38
12             485.47
13             553.83
14             631.30
15             724.46
16             809.35
17             896.12
18             991.80
19            1098.34
20            1210.77
21            1319.55
22            1438.37
23            1610.91
24            1706.11
25            1825.67
26            1967.11
27            2151.06
28            2310.11
29            2500.08
30            2653.07
31            2841.15
32            2982.34
33            3192.13
34            3388.02
35            3564.22
36            3824.08
37            3988.17
38            4215.09
39            4453.05
40            4658.27

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