Here are the speed timings for the Core2 E6600 2.4GHz 65nm machine in
Linux64.  I will try the BlueWhite64 distro tonight to see if that
works on my other system.


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Intel Core2 E6600 @ 2.40GHz (Linux 64bit)
65nm, 4MB L2 cache, 1066 MHz FSB

overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1               19.00
2               22.01
3               25.01
4               43.84
5               50.01
6               74.01
7               72.02
8               75.02
9               34.87
10              42.76
11              43.01
12              47.21
13              56.22
14              54.66
15              53.62
16              56.39
17              55.02
18              59.86
19              64.35
20              66.56
21              64.59
22              70.02
23              73.82
24              75.35
25             104.02
26              82.90
27              82.36
28              86.52
29              84.03
30              96.45
31              93.78
32             104.03
33              96.37
34             104.58
35             102.78
36             109.58
37             102.03
38             110.03
39             113.43
40             116.53
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1               11.85
2               17.83
3               25.05
4               31.34
5               36.45
6               43.17
7               49.28
8               54.66
9               61.01
10              68.17
11              74.33
12              84.96
13              85.74
14              75.77
15              81.38
16              86.14
17              91.94
18              95.42
19             101.67
20             104.70
21             109.27
22             112.73
23             118.86
24             125.36
25             131.34
26             133.47
27             135.05
28             142.70
29             147.79
30             150.85
31             156.28
32             160.55
33             166.00
34             176.70
35             178.71
36             178.82
37             180.04
38             187.89
39             190.72
40             197.69
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1                9.00
2               13.00
3               15.41
4               20.45
5               23.01
6               28.45
7               31.31
8               35.24
9               38.94
10              43.34
11              47.58
12              51.59
13              54.87
14              60.41
15              63.92
16              67.52
17              71.15
18              76.46
19              80.27
20              83.33
21              86.77
22              92.86
23              95.89
24             100.01
25             102.58
26             108.42
27             112.03
28             116.19
29             119.08
30             125.78
31             128.08
32             131.94
33             135.67
34             140.81
35             143.23
36             148.04
37             149.71
38             156.80
39             160.32
40             164.29
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1                7.00
2               11.00
3               18.00
4               18.00
5               21.01
6               24.01
7               27.61
8               27.76
9               31.21
10              35.01
11              38.01
12              38.19
13              40.88
14              45.01
15              48.01
16              47.64
17              49.51
18              55.01
19              60.01
20              57.91
21              60.57
22              64.69
23              69.02
24              67.80
25              70.61
26              75.02
27              78.30
28              78.02
29              80.81
30              85.42
31              88.60
32              87.63
33              90.67
34              94.69
35              99.02
36              97.90
37             101.19
38             104.36
39             111.02
40             108.03
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1                7.00
2               11.00
3               19.00
4               20.00
5               21.01
6               21.01
7               24.01
8               26.01
9               30.01
10              29.01
11              31.51
12              33.01
13              36.01
14              37.01
15              39.01
16              42.01
17              45.46
18              45.87
19              47.01
20              48.01
21              51.01
22              54.01
23              55.02
24              57.01
25              60.52
26              60.02
27              63.02
28              64.52
29              69.02
30              72.02
31              73.73
32              86.02
33              87.22
34              89.45
35              89.02
36              81.77
37              85.02
38              86.02
39              87.02
40              88.52
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1                7.00
2               11.00
3               18.00
4               18.00
5               21.15
6               24.01
7               27.01
8               27.01
9               31.26
10              33.88
11              39.01
12              37.83
13              40.86
14              45.01
15              47.68
16              47.83
17              51.01
18              54.26
19              58.06
20              57.90
21              60.37
22              64.73
23              67.78
24              68.93
25              70.72
26              75.01
27              78.02
28              78.02
29              80.62
30              84.31
31              88.15
32              88.27
33              90.37
34              98.27
35              99.03
36             102.69
37             105.45
38             104.49
39             108.03
40             108.03
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1                7.00
2               11.00
3               19.00
4               20.00
5               21.01
6               21.01
7               24.01
8               26.01
9               28.01
10              28.37
11              33.15
12              33.01
13              36.51
14              37.01
15              41.76
16              40.51
17              45.01
18              44.58
19              49.01
20              51.01
21              51.01
22              52.01
23              56.35
24              58.17
25              60.77
26              61.02
27              66.02
28              64.52
29              70.32
30              69.77
31              72.02
32              74.59
33              77.27
34              76.52
35              81.02
36              81.02
37              84.90
38             125.03
39             130.03
40              88.52
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1                8.00
2               20.97
3               56.39
4               89.02
5              131.04
6              190.60
7              257.04
8              329.50
9              414.09
10             516.15
11             620.46
12             723.88
13             853.77
14            1003.29
15            1147.57
16            1305.92
17            1468.86
18            1669.48
19            1834.51
20            2056.42
21            2241.38
22            2496.96
23            2715.10
24            2943.41
25            3199.64
26            3501.26
27            3744.79
28            4022.74
29            4301.89
30            4637.87
31            4916.73
32            5240.26
33            5560.68
34            5970.73
35            6287.98
36            6630.15
37            7433.10
38            7447.89
39            7820.59
40            8639.41
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 4.18e-10 secs, CPU freq 
2394.00 MHz
1                7.00
2               18.01
3               45.26
4               86.46
5              121.03
6              153.79
7              187.23
8              234.83
9              282.87
10             346.54
11             396.90
12             467.32
13             535.34
14             604.58
15             690.81
16             784.36
17             873.07
18             962.90
19            1071.07
20            1174.19
21            1293.29
22            1413.60
23            1527.43
24            1653.45
25            1778.53
26            1939.52
27            2112.55
28            2297.63
29            2473.70
30            2644.72
31            2800.74
32            3002.76
33            3175.88
34            3386.88
35            3616.94
36            3856.00
37            4154.94
38            4309.05
39            4495.14
40            4700.21

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