On Jan 9, 12:45 am, techtech <shawn.yarbro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> mpirxx.lib(osmpf.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
> "private: static int std::locale::id::_Id_cnt" (?
> _id_...@id@loc...@std@@0HA)
> I get this error in Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition on both 1.2.2
> and 1.3.0-rc3.  I don't care about locales, and someone mentioned that
> I might be able to work around the problem by undefining
> HAVE_STD__LOCALE "in the config file", but I'm not sure how to do
> that.
> Any suggestions?

In the VC++ Windows build there is a config file for each version of
the MPIR library. For example, config.p0 sets the configuration for
the Pentium build.

If you find the config file for the version you want to use (in
build.vc9), find the line:

#define HAVE_STD__LOCALE 1

and change it to:


Then do a cllean rebuild.

Originally you had many more symbol problems - how were these removed
- does this give any clues about this final one?

Good luck.


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