No that is not what I meant, I'll try to be more clear. When I installed Visual Studio it had a directory in my "My Documents" directory called "Projects". Under this directory I put a directory call "MPIR", one called "MPFR" and one called "MPC". Here is the "Projects" directory path as it appears on my disk:

"C:\Users\chris\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects"

all of the directories appear under there.  I hope this is clear.

Chris Saunders

From: "Nicholas Kinar" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 9:04 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [mpir-devel] Re: Link error when attempting to interface 
toMatlabMEX on Mac OS X

On 10/04/2010 4:25 PM, Chris Saunders wrote:
Hi Nicholas. I recently built MPIR, MPFR and MPC using Brian Gladmans Visual Studio 2008 projects for MPFR and MPC. I used the SVN for MPFR. I was successful in doing this and did one thing different from you. I put all of the projects in separate directories under the "Projects" directory of Visual Studio 2008. The name of the project directories were just "MPIR", "MPFR" and "MPC". I don't use Visual Studio 2008 much but think this may be the source of your problem.

Chris Saunders


Thank you very much for your response! I don't use Visual Studio 2008 Professional much either, but I will give this a try. Perhaps there something has changed between releases. What exactly do you mean by "Projects" directory? Do you mean to create a single directory with the "MPIR", "MPFR" and "MPC" sub-directories?

Many thanks for your response--


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