On Apr 10, 5:28 pm, Nicholas Kinar <n.ki...@usask.ca> wrote:
> > I don't know whether this is possible on a MAC but I use MPIR, MPFR
> > and Pavel Holoborodko's MPFR C++ interface on Windows x64 so the
> > packages themselves are compatible.
> >     Brian
> Brian - thank you very much for pointing this out.  How do you link MPIR
> with MPFR?  Apparently MPFR is looking for "gmp.h" and the GMP library
> during the configuration process.
> BTW, I could also do this on Windows since I also have Visual Studio
> 2008.  Is there a Visual Studio project which can be used to compile
> MPFR with MPIR?  I can't see anything on the MPFR website about a
> project file being available for download.

Yes - see my page at:


You need to obtain MPFR from their SVN repository as the release
version fails because it uses some obsolete symbols.

But I can advise you on all of this because I have all of these
packages working together.

Good luck - do feel feee to seek advice if you run into any problems.


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