Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there is
something on the books that limits the City Council to
a $10M appropriation cap for stadium spending without
voter approval.

Barb Lickness

That didn't stop them from building the HHH Metrodome.

They just don't ever go before the City Council for funding. Instead they run it thru MCDA, which they claim is not restricted by this voter-passed Charter Amendment spending limit on the City Council. To argue that MCDA is just the City Council in another name (same 13 people on the board), you will have to have the money and lawyers to fight the city in court.

In the Metrodome case, they got a friendly judge to order that the challengers had to put up a multi-million dollar bond to cover the claimed additional construction costs that would be caused by delaying construction for a court trial. Since they couldn't do that, their challenge was dismissed and never heard in court.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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