Tim Bonham writes, re: the $10 million stadium cap:

> They just don't ever go before the City Council for funding.  Instead they
> run it thru MCDA, which they claim is not restricted by this voter-passed
> Charter Amendment spending limit on the City Council.  To argue that MCDA
> is just the City Council in another name (same 13 people on the board),
> will have to have the money and lawyers to fight the city in court.

The MCDA no longer exists. It's Community Planning and Economic Development
(never know if that's "Department of CPED" or "CPED Department, or CPEDD -
oh well), and it's part of the city now. No independence claimed, or given.

Since Hennepin County has to be involved for anything to go forward, I
expect they'll be the lead "banker." It's possible the city could
simultaneously change existing non-stadium burden-sharing agreements with
the County as one way around the referendum requirement. 

Another way, floated in the past, is to create a TIF district that would
suck in new property taxes from any new housing developed in the Rapid Park
trench. Wouldn't tap current tax base, but would keep the city from enjoying
the new property taxes from the housing development for decades. It's quite
a stretch to think a booming area could meet a TIF "blight test," but it has
happened before.

Also, there's always the possible that they might just have a referendum!

David Brauer

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