Yes I'm sure you are right. There is no MQ users group in my area. I don't
know if every MQ user group is active, and if so, is actively tracking,
prioritizing and forwarding such requests to IBM.

There is another product I was associated with that had regional user
groups and a national user group, which collected both regional group
requests and individual requests, and put them together, prioritized them
and forwarded them. The vendor of that product paid more attention to
requests coming from a group that represented over 100 companies/customers,
vs a regional group that might represent 10 or 20. That national group has
a good rapport with the vendor and was able to present the requests to the
product development management, and even had a representative participate
in product development planning sessions.

Perhaps the mechanisms that IBM has are good, without too many levels
between the customer and the development management. I seem to remember
getting feedback from IBM on a request I had a couple of years ago. I
personally would feel better if I knew where I stood with everyone else
(other customers) in terms of the importance or usefulness of a request I
made. I also like to see other people's requests, because they usually are
thinking of things I never have, and/or get me thinking of using MQ in a
new and better way. Also, often I just accept the product's behavior
without questioning it's implementation, while others with more experience
realize that there is a deficiency.

Sorry for the long response.. I just see so many of the 'wouldn't it be
nice..' emails go by in the last few years and I know the conference is
coming up (and IBM makes such a big deal out of the Wed afternoon session,
and of course, I wouldn't miss that one for the world!). Its an

From: mqm mqm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/23/2003 12:12 PM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:  Re: Wish list for Conference

Aren't there formal mechanisms for customers to feed
requirements into IBM for changes/enhancements to
products. For example one mechanism is thru the UK MQ
User Group.

--- Arlen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about telling us when 5.3 will be available on
> OpenVMS and NonStop.
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