I went ahead and:

1-Suspended the qmgr MQFULL1
2-Deleted the clussdr on MQFULL1 (TO.MQFULL2).
3-Recreated the clussdr on MQFULL1 (TO.MQFULL2)
4-Resumed qmgr
5-Refreshed cluster
6-Display clusqmgr(*) showed only the MQFULL1 qmgr
(neither the second full rep MQFULL2 or the rest of
the cluster members)

I hope someone can help me with this.



--- Ruzi R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are on MQ 5.3 CSD 05 ON W2K servers and OS/390 MQ
> 5.3.  Last night, we replaced the 2 full
> repositories
> (on W2K machineA and machineB)  of our two  MQ
> clusters with the new full repositories (on W2K also
> machine1 and machine2).  I had followed the steps
> stated in the cluster book to the dot (I believe) on
> how to do this task. One of the clusters is working
> without any problems. We have been having problems
> with the other cluster since this switch over. I
> get
> RC 2189 (I know what this means) when I put a
> message
> across the cluster. MQ explorer  cluster (namely
> MQ2T.CLUSTER)  only shows the MQFULL1 repository.
> So the set up is:
> MQFULL1 on machine1 --- >  full rep
> MQFULL2 on machine 2 --- > full rep
> MQ2T on OS/390----- cluster member (not fill rep)
> MQ1 on w2k       ----- cluster member (not full rep)
> 1- MQCHIN job indicates that :   Unable to get
> message
> from
> MQRC=2016System.cluster.repository.queue on MQ2T
> 2016 . Recycling qmgr did not help.
> 2- When I DISPLAY CLUSQMGR(*) in MQFULL2 it displays
> all the cluster info correctly (i.e. MQFULL1,
> MQ2T, MQ1). However the same command issued on
> shows:
>      1 : DISPLAY CLUSQMGR(*)
> AMQ8441: Display Cluster Queue Manager details.
> AMQ8441: Display Cluster Queue Manager details.
>    CLUSQMGR(SYSTEM.TEMPQMGR.machine2(1414))
> Looks like the full repositories are not connected
> to
> each other properly.
>  SYSTEM.TEMPQMGR.machine2(1414))   is supposed to
> say
>  MQFULL2  instead. How can  I correct this? Why is
> it
> not showing the rest of the cluster members ? Should
> I
> delete the clussdr/clusrcvr chnnels on MQFULL1 to
> MQFULL2 and redefine them? How would it impact the
> rest of the cluster?
> I would very much appreciate your help with this
> problem.
> Best regards,
> Ruzi

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