On Thursday 14 November 2013 21:39:05 Sieghard wrote:

> > Or with reserved words:
> You would have to devise a way to do the calculations, and you might even
> get forced to provide a way to request the actual values - how could you do
> this if the values depend on some unspecified type?
> Use something like "max (boolty)" or "min (l)"?
No, max (or another keyword) denotes "maximum of the value with the given bit 
max -> boolean
0 to max -> cardinal
smin to smax -> integer
(or -max to max) ;-)
#max -> character

> > I don't like it, especially the "smin" "smax". We can't write "-max to
> > max" because Sieghard will read it. ;-)
> That's _not_ a reason, a reason you cannot use "-max to max" is that signed
> integers (using 2's complement representation as usual nowadays) don't have
> a symmetric range: a 16-bit integer ranges fron -32768 to 32767, or in hex
> notation -$8000 to $7FFF. It _will_ be necessary to define separate limits
> for both ends of the range, if you want to be safe. Or you might rely on
> the fact that the absolute value of the negative limit always is greater by
> 1 than the positive limit, i.e. "-(max+ 1) to max". Not neat, I think.
You reacted exactly as I thought. :-)


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