Hallo Martin,

Du schriebst am Fri, 15 Nov 2013 07:18:59 +0100:

> > could you do this if the values depend on some unspecified type?
> > Use something like "max (boolty)" or "min (l)"?
> >
> No, max (or another keyword) denotes "maximum of the value with the given
> bit count".

Fine. _What_ bit count should it use if you use it within an expression
where operands of different - but compatible - sizes (bit counts) are used?
The smallest operand's range or the largest one's? Or the result variable's
range, if that differs from both? Or do you simply plan to fobid such use,
allowing "min" and "max" keywords only for type definitions?

> > signed integers (using 2's complement representation as usual nowadays)
> > don't have a symmetric range: a 16-bit integer ranges fron -32768 to
> You reacted exactly as I thought. :-)

I.e. you didn't think of the asymmetry of the range?
(BTW, with strict binary 2's complement represented numbers with the
"usual" sign convention the equation
        min = bitwise_not (max)  [C-style: min == ~max]
holds. I recommend against using this in the discussed context.)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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