Sehr geehrter Herr van Stappen,

Sie schrieben am Mon, 22 Apr 2019 22:45:58 +0000:

> Huh, the po-able version was transfered here:

Thank you, I'll have a look at it shortly.

> In mse-org/mseide-msegui is the original no-po-able version.

I found this.

> > , I did get some smallish projects working in the meantime someone
> > might be interested in.
> Yes, with pleasure.

Then I've to ask, how do you get them? Send them to you by email, put them
on a (my) web site for download, or some other way? (I do not get or write
list messages, as I'm reading this by means of a mailing-list-to-news-group
translation site, gmane.)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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