Hello Sieghard.

Thanks to give attention to msegui.

> calling "Make" for a project I set up, "msei18n.trp", returns this error: 

Are you trying to compile on a Unix machine (Linux or FreeBSD) ?

If yes, you should add "-fPIC" parameter to fpc compiler option:

I use this macro with the gui msei18n :
/mseide-msegui/tools/i18n/msei18n.prj :

${COMPILER} -Fu${MSELIBDIR}i18n ${LIBFILE} -fPIC -k-gc-sections

Note the 2 last parameters: -fPIC (needed for compilation) and
-k-gc-sections (to enable garbage collector).

Also dont forget do remove all previous *.ppu, *.o, ... etc.


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