On 15/03/2021 3:03 pm, Alexander via mseide-msegui-talk wrote:
> In last version I see old problems described in 
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/-/issues/79

I know about that bug too, and I can definitively say that the open
source ATI/AMD and nVidia drivers are all rubbish. I don't know why
anybody would want to use NOUVEAU driver, when there is a 1000x better
NV driver out there.

I have reported similar issue with the open source ATI Radeon driver, and
12+ years later it is still not fixed.

Vote with your wallet. I moved away from ATI/AMD to nVidia and now use
the NV driver under Linux and FreeBSD and have excellent performance
and no rendering issues.


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