-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Ramon Ribas Casasayas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: maandag 7 september 1998 16:47
Onderwerp: Re: MSX380

:On Fri, 4 Sep 1998 16:09:15 +0200, Laurens Holst wrote:
:The word for stopping the horses (my dictionary says so....)


:>Well, about the 2+/256k-evolution... I think it is indeed too bad
:>that 256k isn't mainly supported. But the 2+, no, too less
:>people own a MSX 2+ / tR
:Laurens, there is a certainly important number of people that
:has 2+/T R. If 2+ and T-R users had programmes just
:depending of the share they are of the MSX pie, they'd have
:twice or even thrice that they currently have.

Yeah okay, I have a MSX2+ too, and actually I don't care a shit if a game
which I might make in the future is MSX2+-only (in example a
smooth-scrolling RPG). But, with a bit of thinking, this smooth scrolling
RPG can also be made possible for the MSX2...

:>Anyway, I'd VERY LIKE TO HAVE an Z380 built-in my MSX.
:>Not for the new instructions and not to support it (or at least
:>maybe a small thingie only viewable when using an Z380). But
:>for Gen80 is slow, even on 7MHz. I'd very
:Look what I wrote in the previous message:
:>>Well, outside coders, Pmarc-Pmext freaks and HD fans, any
:>>other people is willing to get a new stuff for the new
:You seem to be a coder, don't you?

Yup, right. Anyway, I wanted to add some positive comments. All these
negative and pessimistic messages are not very encouraging the developers.
Maybe that's in fact the REAL reason for lots of these projects not to be
finished, and not the difficulty of them.

:>like to run my MSX on a higher speed. I would already be
:>happy if I were able to replace my Z80H by a Z380...
:That was quite the way Egor Voznessensky and friends tried.
:But their project was halted.
:(Hey, another problem. Imagine Russians develop his own
:Z380. A Dutch group is developing theirs. A Spanish guy is
:making his own too. Will be they compatible between them?)

There were more Dutch (and also a few non-Dutch) people busy developing a
Z380-board and they have joined forces to make things compatible. The
Russian developers aren't really working on it anymore (and if I'm correct
they'll put the desings on the net???), and I haven't heard about those
Spanish guys much yet.

Anyway, I think the one who is first finished will have the standard for it
and the other one has to resign or adapt his project, unless its design is
much cheaper and better ofcourse. Yes, I know 'better' is very relative.

:>Memory ain't hard to find. And you can already use SIMMs on
:>MSX. I know someone who made his own mapper using
:>SIMMs and I've also got a (slightly different; made by HPN and
:>published in the -Dutch- MSX Info Blad) design of this mapper.
:What's their e-mail address?

Ummm... dunno if they've got email. Think not. Maybe anyone else knows???
The (email-)adress of Rinus Stoker???

No, wait. I _have_ got the email-adress of the designer of this. It's Hans
van Oranje (HPN Nederland). His emailadress is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] if
I'm correct.

:>Please, don't.
:Don't... what?   :?

Well this was said in a previous message:
P.S.: If this becomes a "dialog" between you and me, I prefer to speak in
spanish. So, if nobody is interested on it, perhaps it will be a good idea
to write in spanish personally, not in the mailing list.

Well, this interests me and it would be too bad if this discussion was going
to be held in Spanish on private email...


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