>>On megascsi I think all your partitions are the same size
>>(except maybe for the last one), and all start at the same
>>point. This would mean when you change disks you always
>>the same partitiontable.

>Nope! In MegaSCSI you can define the size of each partition
(when formatting
>the device) with any amount of sectors. When you change the
disk you don't
>need to do nothing if the new disk has the same
partitionning layout as the
>previous; else, you must only to run the partition changer.

Yes, I know that this is possible, but I ment to say what
you also just said (or typed)

>However the most normal (and logical) case is to act as you
say: making all
>the partitions of the same size (32MB) except the last one.
>>You have to take care ofcourse that you have command.com
>>the first partition.
>This is not necessary if you boot from the SRAMdisk (that
is, if you assign
>it to drive A:). This is very useful, because you have the
same booting
>state regardless of the inserted disk.

You are right about this

>>but then again, if you have to copy a lot from one zip to
>>other, you have to use the ramdisk, since it cannot see
>>which zipdisk is inserted...
>That's right. Maybe patching any hook on the disk work area
this can be
>solved, because for check the disk change it is enough to
read the serial
>number on the boot sector, and this is independent of the
>>Another good thing about Mega-SCSI is that you don't need
to reboot your
>>MSX when you change the Zip disk. Just exchange it, even
if it's the only
>>SCSI device.
>Are you meaning that you need reset when you change the
disk with other SCSI
>controllers?! Wow, now I'm really happy to have bought the

When partition tabels are different then you must always
reboot! Also with Megascsi!
But since we keep the partition sizes equal, we donīt have
that problem...

>> Mega-SCSI rulez.
>It's only that MegaSCSI designers took some time using the
brain before the
>construction step. It is not so difficult.

I am glad they did.....

Greetings from the Netherlands
            Maico Arts

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