No partitions can be read by the other interface?
[J.P. Zeedijk]  Sometimes it seemes it sees the partition of MK disks on 
the novaxis (with fdisk utilities), but they are not accessable.
The MK doesn't see anything on Novaxis disks.
BTW: I think I have seen a utility to convert partition
tabto gouda-novaxis and vice versa. I think this is the Bert
interface. The Bert and MK should be almost the same!
[J.P. Zeedijk]  They seem to be the same. I could use harddisks from MK on 
Bert and vise-versa, I think ZIP disks would too. (a close vriend of mine 
has a BERT Interface. I used his setup utilities for my MK harddisk/zip and 
they work fine)
        Maico Arts

Greetings and till mail!
Hans-Peter Zeedijk, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSX en anders niks! (op die P2 na dan!)

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