At 21:02 25/02/99 GMT, you wrote:
>>Note about Abyss: You 
>>know, Abyss is doing that game, 
>>XTazy. Nice, but it
>>requires GFX9000, Moonsound AND 
>>harddisk. So, I think XTazy will 
>>be surely
>t>he best, but also one of the 
>>most unpopular MSX game which had 
>>ever been
>>made. Why? The requirements to 
>>run XTazy
>Abyss stopped with XTAZY, the new XTAZY
>come out from Stichting Sunrise.

        Well, nice!

>Why the mos unpopular MSX game,
>hear in Europ and in Japan exist a lot
>of people with a GFX9000, MoonSound
>and Harddis.
>A IDE-Harddisk is verry cheap-

        Hmmm... I don't know anyone here in Brazil who has a GFX9000. And the only
guy who had a Moonsound, had been robbed. And he lost his Moonsound... =(
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