From: Gabriel D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>>I think some club should become a "Sunrise" in Brazil (Sunrise

Yes, the MBT is Sunrise Brazil!!
Hello Rob, do answer my mail, I need to speak urgent with you?  it is
subject of its interest. :)))

I sent several messages for [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I didn't obtain answer.
The new email of MBT is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>:-) Yes I must agree it was pleasant to do business with you, what I can
>say about MBT, who never sent (or at least I never received it) me the
>extra payment due to the increased posting rates. I learned that itīs
>last time I pull out money out of my pocket and trust people that they
>will pay the extra costs. In that case I feel cheated by MSX BRAZILIAN
>TEAM and a polish guy who bought my MSX2+, neither of them sent me the
>extra payment. NExt time Iīll wait until I have all the money till I
>send anything, unless I do business with serious people like Ricardo
>Jurczyk :-)

"Will it be that is its rage it is because we eliminated you in the cup of
the soccer world ?"  : -)

Dear Gabriel, have taken care more with the words. " Who hurts with iron,
with iron it will be hurt. "

We bought with you a moonsound and a cartridge SCC and we don't have to
complain of its procedure that was correct with us. We are that had to trust
in you, because we sent the money firstly and later you sent us the
products. We sent the money through IPO according to its instruction and in
agreement with the table of conversion of Danish for Dollar also following
its instruction. We were surprised when you mentioned us that it lacked
US$20, but in any moment we complained of that. Following its instruction
again, we sent the US$20 for letter in a brown, same envelope being illegal
to send money this way and thwarting our beginnings, we accepted its

This was one of the last contacts that had with you and only now are
becoming aware of this offense uttered by its person, what leaves us deeply
saddened with the fact, because in moment some thought of to harm it or to
deceive it.  I think its accusation is very serious and it forces us we take
it serious measures, because it commits our services rendered MSX when doing
such statement. In fact, this is a characteristic of the user of MSX, the
We are we with the documents that prove the shipping of IPO and of the
letter and any person can ask one you copies MBT for compravar that we are
We continued trusting you, that is entitled the whole of doing its
complaint, but we are also entitled the of defending, or you think that are
you be superior and always with reason. So that Gabriel it is not harmed, we
will be sending more US$20, of this time for IPO so that it doesn't happen
more undesirable problems and we waited that it is informed openly by you
the greeting of IPO, because is making a serious work.

I take advantage of to inform that of the year passed to I begin it of this
year our email it moved 2 times and we still had a serious problem with our
HD, what made us to lose several emails and that besides was informed in the
Brazilian list of MSX. Therefore it is possible that has happened some
communication problem.
I hope to count with its understanding and I am its disposition for any


MSX Brazilian Team

MSX Brazilian Team
Editor: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Andre Heidtmann Monteiro)
ICQ: 8238506
MSX Brazilian Team
Travessa Mauriti, 2273 - Marco
66093-180 Belem - Para - Brazil
Tel: (091)-228-2874

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