On Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:29:30 +0200, Patriek Lesparre wrote:

>>Kick something is one thing. Kick EVERYTHING but the name is something
>>a lot different.
>Ofcourse, but not EVERYTHING is kicked, so that's a non-argument.

 What was preserved? The Z80 opcodes? Gfx9000? Moonsound? As I remember,
only the Z80 opcodes were present on the last MSX standard, the TR. You'll
have a TR "attached" to your new MSX? This will not make it a new MSX.

 You create a new computer that runs some MSX boards, and even accept
MSX as a board, doesn't make it a MSX. I'm talking about this matter.

>>   50% minimal? Wow! 800% to 1200% is minimal? Ok, you win.
>Sorry, while 800% to 1200% looks impressive, it's still only a 50%
>increase. And that's a high price to pay for LOOSING all the EXTRA
>processing power of the Z380, IMHO.

   50% is 50% and is different when talking about LITTLE differences
and about BIG differences. If you earn 10 US$ per month and then
start to earn 15 US$ per month is a 50% change, but it's almost nothing...
You can buy an extra big mac per month.
   If you earn 50000US$ per month and then start to earn 75000US$ per
month, it's a 50% change, and REALLY does a big difference. You can
buy an extra house per month!

  So, talk 50% from 800% is very different to talk about 50% from 100%.
50% from 800% is 400% from 100%!

     AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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