On Jan 14, 2009, at 11:32 PM, lion wrote:

> http://www.nagravision.com/
> It should be a pay-tv card. One of the more secret cards.

> I don't think you can do anything with this card (except watch TV). In
> general, the game is to create faked pay-tv cards not try to use a
> real one.

Yes, that's right. It's used in our set-top box(STB).
I just try to do some base firmware tests now. And may be added supports under OpenCT later.

I changed a card and readed out the ATR:
TS: 3f T0: ff TA1:95 TB1:00 TC1: ff TD1: 91 TA2: 81 TD2:71 TA3:a0 TB3:47 TC3:00 History: 44 4e 41 53 50 30 20 54 65 73 74 30 33

So, It should be a nagravision card , and there may be some unknow problems in the former card i used.

But I got a new problem.
The TD1 in the ATR is 0x91, so only protocol T=1 is supported.
And TA1 is 0x95,  that means Fi=9, Di=5,not Fd=Dd=1 any more.
And TA2 is 0x81,  means that it's Specific mode.and it's bit5=0.

Then whether I needed sending PTS to select protocol T=1 after receiving ATR ?

Nope, if the card only says it supports T=1 then you need to only talk to it with T=1 protocol. I don't think that sending PTS to try to change it to something else
will work.

If needed, how to send it ?
Because "ISO7816 3.4 Protocol type selection (PTS) " said "If only one protocol type and FI=D=1 (default value of TA1) and N smaller than 255 is indicated in the answer to reset. The transmission protocol associated to the protocol type may be started immediately after the transmission of answer to reset. "
So, I can't send PTS because Fi=9 and Di=5, and N=0xff.

If not, the following operations such as SELECT FILE use which F and D(Fi, Di or Fd, Dd) ?

I did'not found clear answers in ISO7916-3 about these things. May be I shoule read it once more.

This was my point about 7816 ;-(

But, you are stuck using T=1 if that's all that the card will support.

T=1 is an annoying protocol. Actually, having all the T=xxx protocols is annoying, and shows once
again the lack of cooperation in the smartcard industry.

Here's how the world shakes out:

    T=0 : French
    T=1 : German

Once you understand that the smartcard technology was predicated on long-standing
nationalistic rivalries, it all becomes clear ;-)

> Oh, if you want *my* advice - I would get into pig farming rather than smartcard programming, > it's a lot more rewarding and you can bring home the bacon at the end of the day ;-)

A ha, You have a good sense of humor. But sometimes it's no choice.

Being a pig farmer is always a choice!


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