Within the many messages of this thread, you appear to
have only one unknown smart card to test which people on the
list have identified for you as appears a pay-tv card.

But what are your motives:

  If you are you trying to learn about smartcards,
  buy a modern supported card or cards to play with.

  If you are developing TV set top box to use the card,
  contact the card vendor for more information on the card
  and ask how you can work with them.

  If your intent is to try and circumvent the security of
  the card in order to get free TV, quite wasting the time
  of the people on this mailing list.

lion wrote:
 > It should be a pay-tv card. One of the more secret cards.

 > I don't think you can do anything with this card (except watch TV). In
 > general, the game is to create faked pay-tv cards not try to use a
 > real one.

Yes, that's right. It's used in our set-top box(STB). I just try to do some base firmware tests now. And may be added supports under OpenCT later.

I changed a card and readed out the ATR:
TS: 3f T0: ff TA1:95 TB1:00 TC1: ff TD1: 91 TA2: 81 TD2:71 TA3:a0 TB3:47 TC3:00
History: 44     4e   41    53    50   30   20   54   65   73   74   30   33

So, It should be a nagravision card , and there may be  some unknow problems in 
the former card i used.

But I got a new problem.
The TD1 in the ATR is 0x91, so only protocol T=1 is supported. And TA1 is 0x95, that means Fi=9, Di=5,not Fd=Dd=1 any more.
And TA2 is 0x81,  means that it's Specific mode.and it's bit5=0.

Then whether I needed sending PTS to select protocol T=1 after receiving ATR ?
If needed, how to send it ?
Because   "ISO7816 3.4 Protocol type selection (PTS) "  said  "If only one protocol 
type and FI=D=1 (default value of TA1) and N smaller than 255 is indicated in the answer to reset. 
The transmission protocol associated to the protocol type may be started immediately after the 
transmission of answer to reset. "
So, I can't send PTS because Fi=9 and Di=5, and N=0xff.

If not, the following operations such as SELECT FILE use which F and D(Fi, Di or Fd, Dd) ?
I did'not found clear answers in ISO7916-3 about these things. May be I shoule 
read it once more.

 > Oh, if you want *my* advice - I would get into pig farming rather than 
smartcard programming,
 > it's a lot more rewarding and you can bring home the bacon at the end of the 
day ;-)

A ha, You have a good sense of humor. But sometimes it's no choice.

It's so long, thank you for your time.
Best Regards,

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