Björn Krombholz wrote:

>On 1/4/06, Tarragon M. Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Do we need to be so strict about this?
>>I think having EU as an option when it's uncertain exactly which country the
>>release was in, or for those releases that do in fact say "EU" on them,
>>should be acceptable. It can be treated as a slightly more exact "[unknown]"
>>style for release locations. If someone knows better they can change it.
>I doubt this will work, because people didn't request EU for unknown
>EU releases but releases which appeared in _some_ EU countries on the
>same day.
>Further, I don't think we need a hidden "unknown". We should stick
>with correct information. If someone doesn't know the release country,
>he must not add neither some random country nor an unknown EU region.
>And another one probably knows this fact (someone always does) and is
>able to add it.
The problem I currently have:
* A release year is known - but not the country. The current situation
don't allows me to enter this.
* A release country is known - but not the correct year. The current
situation don't allows me to enter this.
* I can't enter the correct - from the label owners on my request given
- data (in this case release country "Europe" /  "EU")
* finally the only solution for me is *now*: I don't enter anything,
cause I will not  enter wrong data

Is this the basis of a reliable database? I don't think so.

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