Björn Krombholz wrote:

>>* I can't enter the correct - from the label owners on my request given
>>- data (in this case release country "Europe" /  "EU")
>1. Europe and EU would have to be 2 different things.
>2. If the label really tells you, that they released in either of
>those and this information is correct, then this would be an argument
>for adding EU and/or Europe, although it is an extremely rare case.
Björn, I sended out this "Release Country ReQUEST" in the first place
and was refering to this. I know that "Europe" and "EU" are 2 completely
different things.
The label itself told me it should be "Europe", which I also prefer.
Cause everyone here was bugging me it *has to be "EU"* ... bla bla bla
... I added "EU" to ... *haaaaaaachhhhh* .... avoid this discussion
again. o_O
So, could we come to a solution?

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