Don Redman wrote:
IMVHO we need to clarify the current process of solving a style issue, and document it so well that *anybody* can follow the process. If we develop some tools that help, that's even better.

I invite everybody to mercilessly edit StyleCouncil, HowToProposeNewGuidelines, ChecklistForStyleChanges, StyleIssue and create additional pages like HowToSolveStyleIssues, HowTheStyleCouncilWorks etc. I will join in once I have finished moving.

I tried to write down the current mechanisms introduced by you in a algorithmic 
way. But it's not yet perfect so before I touch the wiki pages I want some 
brainstorming on it:

Style issue resolving:

1. Person P detects an issue and decides it needs to be discussed and solved.
2. Person P creates a new ticket for the issue, formulates a description and 
posts it to mb-style.
  The issue is now in the discussion phase for a period T of time.
  Possible solutions are discussed on the mailing list. P can support the 
discussion process by summing up arguments regulary.
3. a) If a solution is proposed within this period of time (this can also be 
done in the initial phase by person P), it is written down to a wiki page (for 
guidelines and relationship types for example) and eventually implemented on (for relationship types). Go to 4.
  b) If T elapses before a solution is proposed, a reminder is sent (by a 
demon?) and P has to do whatever is to be done to lead discussions in a 
direction of a possible solution (that is sum up arguments, bring discussion 
back to topic or revive discussion if it died). Go to 2. for another period T'.
4. Now begins the test phase. The community tries to check if the proposed 
solution is doing its job for a period S of time.
5. a) If within this period of time there is criticism about the proposed 
solution, the discussion phase may start again for another period T' of time. 
Though the proposal may be adjusted in easy cases and the test phase can start 
again immediatly for another period S' of time.
  b) If S elapses go to 6.
6. Person P does a last request for vetos. This can be for 48h or something.
  Any person X can do a veto but has to bring up good reasons for it. A veto 
can either lead to the discussion phase again or to a call for a decision of 
the evil style overlord. How this is done exactly has to be further clarified.

- An issue may have sub-issues which are to be handled separatly.
- P is considered the "owner" of the issue. Though others may be seconders of 
it and can help summing up discussions, writing wiki pages, implementing, requesting 
vetos, etc.

A tool may help controlling the different phases and keep discipline.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

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