On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 23:16:55 +0200, derGraph wrote:

Simon Reinhardt wrote:
We need more secretaries who are willing to do some work. When a new problem arises on the style mailing list, one of the secretaries goes to add a ticket to the style issues section on trac and either sets the owner to her-/himself or to CC. Then they are responsible for keeping discussions about this issue alive until it is solved. During discussions they also have the job of summing up arguments, seeing if consensus is reached and if no consensus is in sight, report it to Robert.
Does that sound doable?

Great idea!

I thought we'd really need someone to summarize discussions when I had been absent for some days. I had no benefit in reading all the lines of argumentation, but would have preferred reading the results only.

It might be nice to have an interface on the test server which allows collecting arguments for and against a proposal, as well as comments on what to keep in mind or what to include on the wiki pages. It might even include a voting system, or at least it should include a reminder system which sends a mail to this list whenever some time has passed without changes an open proposal. (I would even code this, but only with PHP. :-P But that's not MB-style, but MB-devel related.)

These are two points:

== More Secretaries ==

I don't want to cling to my job. And I know that I have not done my job in the last weeks. Does someone want to take over the secretaries job from me? Temporarily or permanently? You'll need an ok from Robert, so probably nothing will happen before he's back from holidays. And I would prefer a soft transition (and proper handing over) myself, which would be possible around mid May.

On the other hand, I am not sure, whether _more_ secretaries are good. It's an ok job to do for one person for three months. After that it gets tiring. I fear that many secretaries would have problems coordinating their work. And if the StyleCouncil is supposed to work, then *only* without being dependent on someone doing a lot of summarising work. We have had that experience, let's not do the same mistake again.

== A Tool ==

I very much prefer the idea of having a tool that helps to keep track. Strangely enough the normal issue trackers do not seem to help here. I have found track not to help me in organizing the current style issues.

Can we brainstrom what this tool should do?

Here are some ideas:

We could have a small deamon. The secretary (or anybody?) tells it: this task/ticket is being discussed/RFCed/RFVed now, and after a certain period, the deamon asks what has happended. This could be hacked into Trac

Or a graph of the mails on mb-style. Mails that start with "RFC: " and "RFV: " could be color coded. This way you could get an overview of the activity of the council at one glance. I have attached a mockup. If the graph is good, no action is needed. It would just be well aggregated information. Mabe it would allow to relate a Trac ticket to a thread and to merge threads. Then it could display the status of the ticket as the color of the thread.

<dreaming>Perhaps it would even be possible to hack this into Trac's roadmap tool ...</dreaming>


PS: If you want me to read a certain mail within the next week, CC it to me in person. I'll pay special attention to this thread, though.

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