On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 14:31:03 +0200, Simon Reinhardt wrote:

I just called it RFV because it does not ask for a bigger change nor touch more general issues. There have been threads labelled with RFV which did that - perhaps you want to step on their toes too.

Whooa, sorry. I did not want to step on your toes at all. The reason I asked the question now, is your comment:

However, is that an addition, an agreement or a veto? ;-)

This made me notice that, within the last few requests, the name "RFV" has turned from a pretty strict and formal mechanism ("I will do this if noone sais 'veto' within 48 hours") to a rather informal mechanism.

I do not even say that this is a bad thing, and I do not want to force some protocol upon the community.

I hope we can stay on topic now and not let this drift into a "Sommerloch"-discussion about form questions.

OK, instead of opening up a Sommerloch, I will use this to clearly document the way the StyleCouncil works (something which I have never done, shame on me).

I am open for suggestions (and vetoes :-) ) and will put this on the wiki, if there are no objections:


1. Present your issue and the changes you propose to mb-style in a new thread. 2. Let there be a discussion, see if consensus emerges, or pick up those changes that make sense to you 3. Once the discussion has ebed out, or stopped from being productive, reformulate your changes and request a veto. The veto should include a _short_ note pointing to the past discussion and a relatively specific description of your proposal.
 4. If no veto was issued for 48 hours, go ahead and make your changes.

If you propose a very minor change, you can skip steps 1 to 3 and request a veto right away. In this case you should include a short note saying that you skipped the request for comments. This means that anybody can veto if they think a detailed discussion is necessary. Similarly you should extend the veto period if the discussion takes longer than two days.


Question to the Style Council (i.e. everybody involved in mb-style):

Do you feel that this process is too formalized or too complicated? Is it impossible to actually use, because people forget the topics once the discussions have ebbed out?


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