Bogdan Butnaru wrote:
Thinking about this once more, I guess we should make the guideline to
leave the capitalization as it is except for the cases where everything
is upper- or lowercase. In these cases the moderator should decide which
of the styles to use, depending on the artist's overall style.

I would be tempted to agree, with the amendament of always lowercasing
(most) closed-class words. That is, we make a list of short
prepositions and conjunctions (I could do it), which we always
lowercase; it shouldn't be very long, similar to the one we use for
English. What do you think?

That's a great idea! After all, the ending of the words may differ, but if you take only the first syllables of the words in account, this should be fairly easy.

We only need to decide what to do in case of inconsistency between
releases. The "moderator should decide" guideline seems like

This is true. However (this is pretty hard now, since it sort of invalidates some of my arguments;-) ) I have had a closer look at all Latin song titles I knew about, and it seems pretty obvious which style is preferred. There were one or two which used a simplified (or incorrect) capitalization, and the rest used "your" style. So in academic circles there might be almost a tie between the usage of the two styles, but in music almost everyone seems to carefully apply "your" capitalization rules.

With this information, I have to vote against my proposal. Since Sentence Case seems to be what is printed on most covers, we should also use Sentence Case.



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