On 5/3/07, Kuno Woudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rationale:
> Artist Intent applies here.  These artists have a tendency to choose
> track titles and punctuation for aesthetic reasons, and tend to be
> very consistent about it once a track is titled.  (Insert a couple of
> good examples, something from the Escaflowne soundtracks or Gits:SAC
> maybe, that have been edited a million times and are about as accurate
> as we'll ever manage)

Anything from konami's bemani series will work too, e.g. the track
shining always includes a star in front of it and after, even different
versions of the song:

Have to be careful there, though.  The PARANOiA series doesn't
consistantly captalize anything but the word PARANOiA across mixes
(but does consistantly capitalize across rereleases of the same mix),
and even then there is an exception (Paranoia KCET, which is the only
track in the series not written by NAOKI and remixed by either him or
U1).  And the official soundtracks released by Konami often don't
follow the artists usage, or that of BEMANI Studios used in the games
and advertisement banners.

Our entries use the ones from BEMANI, rather than those from Konami
Music and Toshiba-Emi (who has a longstanding agreement to republish
BEMANI tracks as part of their Dancemania series, and vis versa), and
often have to be protected against edits to match the actual
soundtrack listings.

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