Yep, I considered original and I'm not sure. It needs thinking about
because we should only be saying what is important. Does it matter if a
recording has been altered already? Anyway, something to ponder. I don't
have an answer yet.

On 15 April 2013 09:33, Frederic Da Vitoria <> wrote:

> 2013/4/15 Tom Crocker <>
>> Just wanted to say that I came across this
>> US Government circular about
>> copyright for sound recordings. Obviously, there is stuff in here that is
>> different from how we want to define things in MB, but it does have some
>> very precise definitions. What's interesting is we've managed to wander
>> quite close to some of them. However, mainly where they talk about
>> 'derivative recordings': "The preexisting recorded sounds must have been
>> rearranged, remixed, or otherwise altered in sequence or character, or
>> there must be some additional new sounds." Now this is for copyright, so
>> slightly different rules but if you take out the 'or character or
>> additional new sounds', it's essentially what we've got. But that's only
>> for derivative recordings. This comes back the unmixed unedited question.
>> They define a recording as the product of the “fixation of a series of
>> musical, spoken, or other sounds” (similar to our audio track definition).
>> So I think there might be an answer somewhere in here. I think the mixing
>> and editing is it's what defines unique derivative recordings perhaps
>> versus 'source recordings' (just made that up, don't know what anyone
>> thinks but to me it's better than raw).
> Yes, "source recording", maybe "original recording" would be even better,
> because "source" could be relative (it could itself be already altered)
> while "original" seems to be less ambiguous.
> --
> Frederic Da Vitoria
> (davitof)
> Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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